Your Fave is Asexual!
General Rules
Banned Material
Hello and welcome to urfavisasexual! I'm Mod Vincent! To start off, I'm a young adult, white American, with no gender(him/him), and I'm queer oriented aroace. I have ADHD so I tend to both over explain and not be any good at explaining at all. As such, expect this to be very long. You only have to read whatever pertains to why you're here though!
General Rules
Please provide the full character name(if they have one) and the source of the character such as the show, game, comic, ect. they are from. If there’s multiple versions of a character then please specify which one if you want it to be a certain version, if not I’ll pick the default one if I know which one it is(a good example of this would be characters from the Fate series).
If there is no source and I don’t know who the character is then I will delete your request. (I'm pretty lenient on this rule if I recognize the name or am able to find the character, but if I can't then it'll have to be deleted, but seriously just add the source)
This blog only does asexual posts. Every other sexuality is absolutely wonderful, but I just wanted this blog to be one sexuality only so it would be easier to get stuff posted. So I’m sorry to say that anything that is not asexual will not be included in a post.
You can request characters that are canonically LGBT+ since asexuality wouldn’t erase that part of their identity. People can be gay/lesbian/bi/pan and ace after all. But be sure to add that information to your request so I can put that on the post. It’s important we don't erase other identities.
Do not send in requests through messages, please! Especially when the inbox is closed! I can be lenient about this when requests are open but really seriously do not do it!
Please always search any tag you can for the character you want to request before sending them in in case they were already previously requested and posted.
I am but one (1) pathetic excuse for a human being so please give me time to do requests and don’t rush me. Please, I beg of you.
If you have more than one request, it would be best if you add them all into one ask so it doesn’t clog up the inbox and people’s dashes once I respond to them.
Any asks containing the word Hazbin will be deleted on sight. There is zero tolerance. I am tired of hearing about it.
This is not an edits blog!! I know the images on my posts look like icons, but that doesn't mean this particular blog is meant to make edits so when you requests things please don't do it under the assumption that they are edits.
If you're sending anon hate or posting hate in the replies of a post, I will not respond if you insult me, make accusations such as calling me a pedo, yell, overly curse, or just sound very aggressive. If you speak(type) politely or even just calmly I will respond to you as one mature human being to another and I can explain things to you or we can work things out. I don't argue with strangers on the internet, especially ones that are too cowardice to show who they are.
If you send in a character off anon then I will respond to your ask privately. Tumblr(at least on mobile) doesn’t notify you of privately responded to asks(other than by email) so be sure to check your inbox yourself
When the inbox is empty I will say “Inbox Empty!” on the last request sent in so this would be a good time to check your inbox if you sent something in off anon
Requests are always tagged as 'queue update’ so if you are bothered by those posts on your dash you can block that tag
This is a sideblog and since I want to keep my main private, I may either never respond to things said in the replies, respond by reblogging the post and @'ing the person with my response, or making a new post if the original is kinda long
If you are an aphobe/exclusionist obviously
A pedo (NO/MAP) or supporter/apologist
A nazi/white supremacist/racist or anything like that
Support P*wdiepie
Read Killing Stalking or Lolicon/Shotacon stuff
Support or voted for Trump or anyone like him
Are any kind of -phobic(in a hate sense, not fear sense)
Ship or support shipping anything pedophilic/incestuous/abusive
Call yourself a fujoshi/fudanshi
Proana and/or thinspo
Banned Material
Anyone from Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyoujin(due to nazi propaganda)
Anyone from Killing Stalking(due to obvious reasons)
Anyone from Hetalia(due to xenophobia)
Characters who are pedophiles/nazis/racist/x-phobic or have done something extremely horrible that is completely unforgivable in canon(i.e. Hojo from Final Fantasy VII(this can be discussed if you are unsure tho))
Characters who do not have canon faces such as characters from podcasts that do not have official artwork(so The Adventure Zone is mostly acceptable)
Real people such as celebrities, YouTubers, K-Pop stars, your neighbor ect. are not allowed. I don’t think I would like to do posts with people from Tumblr either, even if you yourself are cool with it.
Mycroft Holmes from Sherlock(due to controlling behavior)
Dexter Morgan from Dexter(due to being a murderer and could play into negative asexual stereotypes)
Anyone from Hazbin Hotel(due to the creator supporting TERFs)
Anyone from Black Butler(due to pedophilic undertones)
Anyone from Camp Camp(due to antisemitism)
Anyone from the Harry Potter franchise including Fantastic Beasts(due to JK Rowling being a TERF)
Kai Chisaki/Overhaul from Boku no Hero Academia(due to child abuse)
South Park(due to just literally everything)
This is all I can recall off the top of my head and I don’t know every character ever so if I do a request for someone or something Problematic™ then kindly let me know, with some kind of proof, and I’ll remove the post and add the character or source to the list.
[Insert anon hate here]: Blocked and deleted. Have fun never being able to look at my blog again!
[Character] is a minor! It’s pedophilic to say they’re asexual!: I know not everyone shares the same experience but I was 12 years old when I discovered the word for how I felt. I was asexual even before that and I fully believe I was born asexual. Was that important to know about when I was 5? No, because having sexual attraction at 5 is not necessary but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t asexual. I didn’t magically become asexual when I hit puberty. If I can discover the word for my sexuality at 12 and have been born asexual then so could literally any other fictional character. And also saying they're asexual has nothing to do with thinking about their sex life, Jesus fucking Christ.
Can you do [Character already posted five months ago]?: Here’s the link to their post! Please check if a character has already been posted before sending in a request! (Seriously, I beg of you. Always check beforehand.)
Can you do [Character that is banned or from a banned source material]?: That character/source material is banned. Please read the rules before sending in a request!
Can you do [Real human being]?: In a Niel Cicierega voice That’s a human person.
[Character] had sex and/or is attracted to [another character]! It’s stupid to say they’re asexual!: Please look up the definition of asexual you absolute fuckwad. I don’t have the patience to correct every single person that thinks they’ve revealed 'how dumb’ I am or think they’ve caught me in a 'gotcha’ over this aphobic misconception.
I personally headcanon [Character] as demi/bi/pan/gay/lesbian instead.: That’s nice, but why are you putting that in the replies? Who does that benefit? I’m not going to change or delete the post. This is a post for asexuals and/or people that headcanon this character as asexual. This is not the place to say things like that. Please keep that to yourself or make your own post.
[Comment that even remotely hints towards making a joke out of the post that isn’t made by an ace person]: Blocked and deleted. Yes, blocked. I have no patience when it comes to people thinking that’s appropriate to do. These posts aren’t supposed to be funny or comedic oro whatever. However, it’s fine if you yourself are ace and making very ace related jokes or fun comments about the character being ace. There’s a difference between celebration and mockery.
Can I know and/or follow your main blog?: I'm flattered you would like to, but only under the circumstances that you're someone who has interacted with the blog enough times off anon that I trust you aren't someone who would give it out to others. Also please ask off anon through the askbox and not through messages. And if I do tell you my main, please don't feel pressured to follow me if you're not interested in what I post. I also have sideblogs listed in my blog description that you can follow too if you want. But again, no pressure if they don't interest you!
Can I be a mod?: Nice to know others want to help, but sadly no. On this kind of blog that would only make me nervous with having to work with someone. Also I'm extremely meticulous about how posts are set up and the way asks are responded to. Plus I get a lot of hate on this blog and while I know I can emotionally and mentally handle it, I can't take someone's word for it that all the hate won't cause them to have a breakdown. Plus I have a strict rule about immediately deleting hate and blocking people that send it. I also can't trust that someone else won't get angry enough that they respond to the hate anyway. And adding a mod would make people unable to message the blog. Also I can't confirm another mod won't suddenly disappear on me. So basically, there are many reasons why I'm not looking for any help and I'd have to decline your offer.
Can I use an image on one of your posts as my icon?: Absolutely! No need to even ask. I know I make them myself but you don't need to credit me or anything. These aren't done like my usual, actually properly, put together edits anyway.
Last edited: 11/23/2020